Class 6 Social & Political Life NCERT

    1. Types of majority





    Special - types


    50% of present & voting

    the majority of more than 50% of the total strength of the house

    means more than 50% of the effective strength of the house (all who were present)

    Type 1 Article 249: 2/3 members present and voting. Pass the RS resolution to empower the parliament to make laws in the state list


    500 present, 50 abstain. 50% of 450+1=226. People who abstain are not counted.

    50% of 545=273

    545 seats, 5 vacant, 40 absent, 10 abstain. Then 50% of 500+1=251. People who abstain are counted.

    Type 2 Article 368: 2/3 members present and voting + 50% support of total strength (273/123 MPs). For constitutional amends (non-federalism affecting), removal of SC/HC/CEC/CAG, national emergency, changes to Vidhan Parishad. No joint session.

    Used for

    No-confidence Motion, Motion of Confidence, Motion of Thanks, Censure Motion, Adjournment Motion, Money Bills, Ordinary Bills 

    Usually not required in isolation in the Indian Parliament

    for removal of Vice-President, Deputy Chairman of RS, LS speaker and Deputy Speaker.

    Type 3 Article 368: Constitutional amendment involving change of federal structure. 2/3rd members present and voting supported by more than 50% of the state legislatures by a simple majority. E.g. NJAC




    "All the then members"

    Type 4 Article 61: Majority of 2/3rd members of the total strength of the house. 364 LS, 164 RS. Impeach President.


    1. Diversity
      1. Inequality comes about when someone doesn't have resources and opportunities that are available to others. Kesar saga (is a Tibetan national song epic). Indian unity is something imposed from outside but rather something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practiced.
      2. Eight major religions in world - every single one practiced in India + 1600 languages.
      3. Prejudice - judge other people negatively or see them as inferior. Stereotype - when we fix people into one image. Discrimination happens when people act on their prejudices or stereotypes. Struggle for independence also included people who fought to be treated more equally (eg - dalits, women, tribals)
      4. For writers of Constitution, respect for diversity was a significant element in ensuring equality.
    2. Government (local & administration)
      1. Democracy in our times - representative democracies. People don’t participate directly - c oose reps thru elections. +Universal adult franchise.
      2. People should be alert and interested in how the country is run. Democratic govt -> committed to equality & justice which are inseparable.
      3. Gram Panchayat = rep from each ward (panch) + sarpanch. Elected for 5 years. Gram Panchayat secy (appointed by govt) to both GP & GS. Work of Gram Panchayat needs to be approved by Gram Sabha.
      4. Panchayati Raj - first tier of democratic govt. Panchayat Samiti (block level) - many gram panchayats. Above panchayat samiti - Zila Parishad.
      5. Rural administration - patwari/lekhpal keeps land records. Sub division of districts are called tehsils. Hindu Succession Law Amendment Act 2005 (?)
    3. Livelihoods

