30 December 2023

    1. Nina Singh Becomes First Woman Chief of Industrial Security Force
      1. She became the first woman to head the specialized security organization and the 30th CISF Director General.
      2. About the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
        1. The CISF is a specialized Indian federal police agency under the Home Ministry.
        2. It is one of the Central Armed Police Forces guarding key national infrastructure.
        3. The CISF provides security cover to over 356 industrial units and sites across India. These include:
          1. Atomic power plants
          2. Space installations
          3. Mines and oil fields
          4. Major ports and airports
          5. Heavy manufacturing plants
          6. Dams and power plants
          7. Currency presses
        1. CISF Roped In for Parliament’s Security.
      1. The government has taken a decisive step to enhance the security measures at the Parliament building complex.
        1. In light of a recent breach of the safety ring, official sources revealed that the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) will now be responsible for the “comprehensive” security of the complex.<
      1. The Kenya Poverty and Equity Assessment 2023 Report
        1. the Good and Bad – Falli Poverty, Persisting Gaps.
        2. Kenya managed to cut its national poverty rate from 47% to 34% during 2005-2019 through steady economic expansion.
        3. Both rural and urban poverty declined.
      2. Indian Navy Adopts New Rank Insignia Inspired by Shivaji
        1. Indian Navy has unveiled redesigned shoulder insignia for top Admirals incorporating elements from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s royal seal.Octagonal Shape Based on Naval Ensign.
        2. The new epaulettes feature an octagon – drawn f om the Navy’s crest added to the ensign last year – crossed by an In n sword and telescope.
          1. Stars over it indicate Admiral ranks.
          2. The move manifests the service embracing its heritage and identity.
      3. Uttar Pradesh Tops in Usage of Criminal Justice Data Platform
        1. The digital platform enables seamless data sharing across courts, police, prisons and forensic labs.
        2. Uttar Pradesh has ranked first for the third straight year in recording the highest usage of India’s Inter-Operable Criminal Ju tice System (ICJS).
      4. About Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS)
        1. ICJS is a national platform that helps in integrating the nation’s primary IT system for criminal ustice delivery.
        2. The ICJS project aims to connect the five pillars of the system which are
          1. Police (through Criminal and Crime Tracking and Network Systems),
          2. e-Forensics for forensic labs,
          3. e-Courts for courts,
          4. e-Prosecution for public prosecutors,
          5. e-Prisons for prisons.
        3. The initiative will be implemented by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in collaboration with the
        4. National Informatics Centre (NIC) and it will be carried out in partnership with the union territories and the states.
          1. Crime in India” is pub ished by the NCRB since the year 1953. This report acts as an important tool in understanding the country’s law and order situationNCRB serves as the repository of information on criminals and crimes to aid investigators in connecting crimes to their perpetrators.
      5. China Launches Massive Ship to Drill Into Earth’s Mantle
      6. Destination: The Mantle
        1. The Mengxiang aims to breach the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) about 7 km down. This bounda separates the crust from the mantle.
        2. No prior missions have sampled the mantle, home to unique rock composition and extreme pressures and temperatures.
        3. Past efforts since the 1960s have drilled the oceanic crust, discovering invaluable knowledge. But the mantle has remained elusive.
    2. Marine Energy Conversion Systems Sectional Committee
      1. India’s national standards ody, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), has established a dedicated committee to create quality norms for marine energy conversion systems.
      2. This marks a significant step in regulating and advancing ocean power.
      3. The Committee, The new BIS technical panel on marine systems comprises experts from:
        1. National Institute of Ocean Technology
        2. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
        3. IIT Madras and IIT Bombay
        4. Central Electricity Authority
      4. It held its first meeting on December 21st in Chennai.
    1. Indian Scientists Develop Eco-Friendly Solar Cell Material
      1. Indian researchers have created a novel solar harvesting material that substitutes toxic lead with greener magnesium.
      2. This marks an important breakthrough for affordable and sustainable photovoltaics.
      3. The Promise and Perils of Perovskite
      4. Perovskite solar cells have shown tremendous efficiency promises at low costs. But mainstream versions use a formulation with toxic lead – hazardous for health and environmen
      5. Scientists at Hyderabad’s International Advanc Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials, an autonomous institute under India� Department of Science and Technology, tackled this challenge.

